The GOLDEN WINGS founders meeting was held January 20, 1993 at Jo Waters home.
Those present Front Row: Emily Jenkins, Bonnie Nance Baran
Rear: Sally Quinton Edwards, Jo Watus, Susan Lee, Judy Daniels and Barbara Baumgart.

Members of the USAir Golden Wings Organization.
These lovely ladies helped build a great airline.
The Golden Wings are now welcomed to the Soaring Eagles.

Golden Wings Social Hour
Help us Brighten up the Eagles Meetings

Jan Challis Grieco, Danny Bellman and Lana Talerico - very stylish ladies.

Linda Carter Axelsson and Jan Challis Grieco

Carol Shannon and Sally Quinton Edwards

Carol O'Block, Carrie Erickson, Peggy Cimarolli

Diane Crider, Gayle Galle, Jan Grieco, Sally Edwards

The Golden Wings Founders Meeting